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A member registered Jan 10, 2022

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Thanks a ton for adding an inverted camera option. Much appreciated. 

Made it through the game. Great stuff. Some good puzzles, etc. Dunno where you got the character animation set from but I dig it. Tikal's visual design is excellent, too. He looks great and I like the voice.

I like the blood and bruises you added. The 'look at this toof' animation made me grin.

The boar animation needs work. It's hard to tell whether they're growling or biting you, causing you to take damage when you can't anticipate it. Also, the jump up and crash down thing doesn't really look right. Maybe they can turn and try to kick hard with the hind legs instead?

It'd be nice if the costume stayed as whatever you picked after you die instead of resetting to default. 

The forward roll hits a bit too hard. It feels like the kid's made of cement.

The 'second jump is higher' thing is okay, but it doesn't look right. There's no reason his second jump should be higher, other than that it is. It doesn't make logical sense and there's nothing going on visually when you land the first jump that makes it make sense. It's not bad as a puzzle mechanic, but there you go.

It'd be nice if we could increase the camera speed. It can be a little slow.

The controls on the last puzzle with all the wall running are making it way harder than it should be. It took me longer than I want to admit because I couldn't get Tikal to do what I wanted him too. IMO, changing direction when you hit a corner in a wall run should be automatic, not a timed button press + camera move. Also, this is where I noticed the camera is too slow. I'm still not quite sure how wall running works, because sometimes he jumps off and runs up straight and other times he doesn't. It doesn't seem like he just goes wherever I'm aiming with the stick. I dunno but it's hard to control.

The fight mechanic isn't bad, but it occurs to me that having the timer bar takes your eyes off the enemy and the action during a fight. Maybe a pulsing light on Tikal would work? Just a thought.

Are there only three costumes?

What's with the kid sticking out of the sand on the edge of the map?

That's all my feedback for now. Again, good stuff. Impressive work for a solo hobbyist. Keep it up man :)

Sweet, I'll look forward to it. Thanks!

Not to be a pest, but any idea when the next update might drop? Still having trouble with the camera control. Can't quite beat it.

Thanks, I'll look forward to it. Do you happen to know if itch will email me when it's released?

How do you invert the Y camera? My brain isn't wired to play this